How to join San Giovanni
How to join
The Society of St. John the Baptist can be joined by natural persons, of any nationality, who have reached the age of majority, who share its purposes and who participate in the activities of the Society with their work, with their skills and knowledge.
Minors can also join the Company at the request of those who have parental responsibility.
Members are divided into:
Honorary Members are personalities who have distinguished themselves in the various fields of human activity and who are considered worthy of such recognition and are appointed by the Deputation.
They are exempt from paying the annual fee.
Meritorious members and supporters are those who pay an annual membership fee and make a donation of an amount equal to or greater than that provided annually by the Deputation. They are admitted by resolution of the Deputation.
Ordinary and young members are those who annually pay a membership fee equal to that provided annually by the Deputation. They are admitted by resolution of the Deputation.
Those who intend to be admitted as Members must submit a written application to the Deputation which must contain:
- the indication of the name, surname, residence, date and place of birth, tax code as well as the telephone number and e-mail address to be considered valid for any notification of communication by the Company including the convocation of shareholders’ meetings;
- the declaration to know and fully accept the current Articles of Association, any regulations and to comply with the resolutions legally adopted by the Company’s Bodies.
The Deputation deliberates on the application for admission by a two-thirds majority of those present according to non-discriminatory criteria, consistent with the purposes pursued and the activities of general interest carried out. Registration starts from the date of the resolution of admission of the Deputation.
All members have the duty to:
- collaborate, within the limits of their possibilities, in social activities
- comply with the Articles of Association, Regulations and all the rules issued by the competent corporate bodies
- contribute to affirming, promoting and disseminating the purposes of the Company.
All members have the right to:
- participate, free of charge or not in accordance with the relative resolutions taken by the Deputation, in all events organized by the Company, or by other bodies or associations to whose initiatives the Company has adhered. For these events they will receive, by the Deputation, the personal invitation or, if necessary, they will be informed by email.
- receive periodic social communications via email.
Applications for admission to Member must be completed by interested parties on a special form available in the Secretariat or downloadable by clicking here, and by signing at least one presenting Member (in case of absence of a Presenting Member, please attach a brief presentation) and then forward them to the Secretariat.
The status of Member is acquired when, after the communication of admission, the candidate has paid the annual membership fee. The annual fee, which must be paid only after the communication of admission, can be paid by bank transfer to the bank account of the Società di San Giovanni Battista Odv at Intesa Sanpaolo IBAN: IT06 N030 6902 8871 0000 0000 917
Please send a copy of the slip by email to