The “Il Bel San Giovanni” Award
Every year on January 29, the Society of St. John the Baptist celebrates the anniversary of its foundation by awarding the "The Bel San Giovanni" Prize to:Personalities or institutions who, for the work carried out in the most diverse fields of thought and action,...
The Crosses of St. John
In harmony with a centuries-old tradition that has made the moment of homage to the Signoria – and later to the Grand Dukes – and to the Cardinal of the city one of the salient phases of the feast of the Patron Saint, since 2004 the Society of St. John the Baptist...
The Fire of St. John
The "Fochi", the fireworks display with which Florence celebrates its patron saint, has been held since the twelfth century, organized in ancient times by the Art of Calimala. Since 1796 it is the Society of St. John the Baptist Odv to organize for the City of...
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The society
The Society of St. John the Baptist was established with a “rescript” of January 29, 1796 by Grand Duke Ferdinand III of Tuscany. The young sovereign wanted to connect his figure to the most ancient Florentine tradition and the cult of the Baptist was always present in him in the most heartfelt forms.
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Since 1796 it is the Society of St. John the Baptist Odv to organize for the City of Florence “Fochi” every year more spectacular and increasingly admired by all those who, on the evening of June 24, pour out on the banks of the Arno or crowd the terraces to be flooded with so much auspicious light. Do you want to support the culture and tradition of the city of Florence? You can do this by donating your 5×1000 to San Giovanni.
The Fire of St. John
Since 1796 it is the Society of St. John the Baptist Odv to organize for the City of Florence “Fochi” every year more spectacular and increasingly admired by all those who, on the evening of June 24, pour out on the banks of the Arno or crowd the terraces to be flooded with so much auspicious light.